“Maverick is turning 5 and he’s officially a handful.”
EARLEVILLE, Md. – During the Maverick Week / Labor Day critical period, all presenting donors will be offered a Happy Ness Is Giving Blood T-Shirt* at any BBD donor center and select blood drives from Monday, September 4, 2023 to Saturday, September 9, 2023.
To culminate Maverick Week, the Blood Bank of Delmarva will hold the fifth annual In Honor of Maverick Blood Drive at Hacks Point Fire Company on Saturday, September 9 in culmination of Maverick Week.

Maverick was born on September 3, 2018, weighing 1 lb., 14 oz. as a 25-week preemie. He was the only one of triplets to survive. During his 105 days at both Christiana Care and Nemours hospitals, Maverick received eight transfusions of O negative blood — the universal blood type. The dramatic experience turned Maverick’s parents, Shane Simmons and Jason Painter, into loyal advocates for donations.
“Maverick is turning 5 and he’s officially a handful,” Jason said. “So, here’s a high five to all the donors who save lives. School is starting, and Maverick is getting ready to go into pre-k.” He is a brother to big sister Hailey and little sister Mylah. He just finished his first year of T-ball. He’s doing normal things thanks to donors who stepped up years ago and the doctors and nurses who treated him.
“We have people who donate once a year; they come for Maverick’s birthday,” he said. “I’ve tried to get them to donate more, but at least they show up for Maverick’s event. Also, I want to thank Terumo and my colleagues for all their support.” (Terumo will host a blood drive during Maverick Week.)
Shane added that people who take just an hour of their time to donate blood are doing something so profound – it’s hard to put into words.
“The truth is without blood donors we would not have our son with us today,” Shane added. “Because of donors, we got to take our son home. If he can’t encourage you, I don’t know what will.”
Blood Bank of Delmarva Director, Donor Resources, Nicole Pineault and Account Manager Mary Moore hope to fill up 81 appointments at the In Honor of Maverick Blood Drive scheduled for 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Saturday, September 9 at Hacks Point Fire Co.1185 Glebe Road, Earleville, MD 21919.
“As a parent myself, it’s always great to see little Maverick running around and enjoying life,” BBD Vice President Emily Cunningham said. “We thank Shane and Jason for being such fiercely passionate advocates for the Blood Bank of Delmarva and blood donations in general. They have given us a powerful reason to donate blood regularly.”
During the September 9 blood drive, Jason and Shane will accept donations for the Ronald McDonald House, which helped their family during their stay at Nemours. There will also be an auction for a special blanket made by a family friend in Maverick’s honor, with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House.
Please visit Donor Portal – Blood Bank of Delmarva (bbd.org) to sign up for Maverick’s blood drive, click here to donate during Maverick Week or call 1-888-8-BLOOD-8 to sign up. All donors will receive a T-shirt. T-shirts are available to donors, while supplies last.
Amanda Diamond, [email protected] , (561) 504-6659
Tony Prado, BBD, [email protected], (302) 657-1756