A division of New York Blood Center Enterprises, Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) is committed to providing convenient and quality educational resources and programs for hospital staff, residents/fellows, students, and anyone interested in blood banking and transfusion medicine.
- BBD is proud to offer blood center tours and accompanying presentations to students of local MLS and MLT programs. These include information regarding blood collection, component processing, donor testing and the reference laboratory. For more information, contact us.
- BBD also provides laboratory samples to a local MLS program. These samples enrich students’ laboratory practice and contribute to their development of important laboratory skills. For more information, contact us.
Behind-the-scenes tours of the donor center and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities offer hospital staff, community groups, high school students, and others an opportunity to see donor services, blood component processing, the distribution department, and our reference laboratory. To request a tour, contact us.
Upon request, BBD is proud to support individuals in MLS, MLT or SBB programs who are in need of a hands-on, clinical rotation. Training may include both the theory and application of donor services, component preparation, quality assurance, antibody identification, and specialized testing in the immunohematology reference laboratory. To request a clinical rotation, contact us.
Consultation on blood usage management, with some of the nation’s leading experts in transfusion medicine including BBD’s Medical Director, Senior Vice President and Enterprise Chief Medical Officer, Bruce Sachais, MD, PhD.